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With the inception of the company in January 2005, Chemshel has achieved a growing recognition in the International market by manufacturing value added products from natural resources available in INDIA.

Chemshel has a track record of always venturing away from the beaten track to blaze new trails. New situations present new challenges; new problems are not answered by old solutions.

One of the most encouraging results of this approach to business is the manufacturing of Aleuritic Acid from Seedlac, a natural resin, of which India holds 80% market share of the world. Today, India being the sole supplier of Aleuritic Acid, which is the principal raw material for manufacturing of a Macrocyclic musk – Ambrettolide.

The quest to success inspired the torch bearers of the company and they started the backward integration, there by getting into the Processing of Seedlac, the prime raw material for Aleuritic Acid, ultimately reducing its costs and improving its quality of the end product.

Carrying the legacy further, it ventured into the manufacturing of Ambrettolide - the end product from Aleuritic Acid and has established a world class plant to manufacture 24.00 Metric tonnes of Ambrettolide per annum in 2009. Having achieved its 100% capacity utilization in 2013 it further expanded its Ambrettolide facility in 2014 to manufacture 60.00 Metric tonnes per annum.

Utilizing the vast experience in the industry and its very Important backward linkages with Lac Cultivation, Seedlac & Aleuritic acid, has made Chemshel , a leading supplier of Ambrettoloide to the World leaders in Flavors & Fragrance Industry.


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